Avenue Fisheries Easter Special Weekend
Posted on 7th April 2022 at 16:01
15th, 16th, 17th & 18th APRIL 2022.
Easter opening hours
Friday 15th / Saturday 16th/ Monday 18th – 9am to 5pm Sunday 17th – 10am to 4pm
Thank you for your custom during 2021 our 46th year of full time Japanese koi retailing, making us the longest established specialist koi dealer outside Japan.
To kick start your koi hobby for the spring we will be having a number of special offer prices on selected dry goods, items that are always required at this time of year. These can be viewed by clicking the button below and are available for all 4 days of the Easter weekend subject to being unsold.

As we appreciate not all regular customers can make our Easter special weekend so we will have our dry goods special offers available to mailing list customers from the weekend of 2nd April up to and including Easter. Growing on competition fish will only be available to collect at Easter to allow us to equalise temperatures correctly.
With the ongoing difficulties with flights from Japan potentially fish supplies could prove difficult in the near future.
However we imported shipments from the Autumn Japan Harvest and also in January and February. These fish are now fully quarantined and will be on display in our retail area for the first time at Easter. As well as representing value for money being imported before freight costs nearly doubled they are also of a high quality. New fish are from some of the following breeders :- Marusei, Takahashi, Shinoda, Otsuka, Oofuchi, Miyatora, Marusaka and Matsunosuke. They range in price from £15 to £3000.
All koi from our October growing on competition will have been acclimatised and be ready for collection.
The photographs of the winning fish for growth and most improved fish will be displayed with the winners prizes available for collection. Photographs of all other competition fish also be displayed with there increase in growth shown. Please bring your copy photograph of your fish with you when making your collection.
We will be having our normal BBQ this year with Mark cooking for you.
We are now taking bookings for pond construction projects for 2023.See details of recently completed ponds on this web site or on Facebook.
We will be running our customary free raffle with the prize being a £500 voucher for koi of the winners choice.
Tagged as: Easter Weekend, Events
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